2021 Cascade Festival of African Films Virtual Festival | Free Online Screenings, Director Q&As

The Cascade Festival of African Films is the longest running annual, non-profit, non-commercial, largely volunteer-run African Film Festival in the United States. This year you can see the entire festival online from February 5-March 10, 2021.


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From website:
2021 Cascade Festival of African Films Virtual Festival
February 5-March 10, 2021
More info: africanfilmfestival.org

The Cascade Festival of African Films shows us Africa through the eyes of Africans, rather than a vision of Africa packaged for Western viewers. The films celebrate Africa’s achievements, expose its failures, and reveal possibilities for a hopeful future. Although the films cannot represent an entire continent, we hope to encourage American viewers to become interested in and study African cultures.

How do I watch the films this year?

All films are available to stream online, check out this HANDY VISUAL GUIDE about how to watch them here.

You can also watch a short video tutorial here.

I don’t live in Oregon, can I still watch the films?

Many of our films are only available to stream in Oregon, with a few exceptions. You can use this quick guide to see what films are available to stream in your area.

How long are the films available for? 

Each film will be available for streaming starting on the time and day listed on our calendar and will remain available until the following Wednesday or until the maximum number of views have been reached.* So, that means if a film “premieres” Saturday at 7pm, you can watch it anytime after that until the next Wednesday at any time that is convenient for you!

Once you “unlock” a film you will have 5 days to start watching it, and then once you start to watch you will have 24 hours to finish it. Just like a video rental!

*Some films have limits on the number of views, you can check the number of views left on each films streaming page. So just like in the theatre make sure to get your “seat” (unlock) early!

How much does it cost?

The films are FREE! However, just like at the regular festival we encourage you to “drop a few dollars” in the virtual bucket when you unlock the film if you are able to support the festival, or make a larger donation here. 

How do I participate in the director Q & A’s and chats and what is the difference?

Whenever possible the director Q&A’s will be live at 9pm Thursday-Saturdays throughout the festival. Registration links will be posted weekly on our site, and sent out by email. Since our filmmakers live in many different time zones, some Q&A’s will be pre-recorded ( not available for live questions.)

Community conversation on Monday’s at 7pm will be casual zoom conversations for you to connect with others and discuss the films from the previous week moderated by a CFAF committee member. You only need to register once here, and you can attend them all!



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