The Street Trust’s 2022 Oregon Active Transportation Summit | In-person Workshops, Virtual Sessions, Tours & More!
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The Street Trust’s 2022 Oregon Active Transportation Summit
April 25-27, 2022
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The Street Trust’s 2022 Oregon Active Transportation Summit will take place Monday, April 25th through Wednesday, April 27th, 2022, with a pre-Summit bike ride and happy hour on Sunday, April 24th. General admission tickets include access to all virtual sessions, in-person workshops, and happy hours.
A limited number of FREE tickets available for the public to attend Monday’s opening session. Individual day tickets, scholarships, and volunteer opportunities for the 2022 Summit are also available. View the full schedule and buy tickets at
The guiding theme for the 2022 Summit is Our Transportation Future. Summit content will be sorted across four tracks: Justice & Equity, Resilience & Recovery, Accessibility & Safety, and Technology & Innovation.
Session highlights include: PBOT’s Street Plaza Program Walking Tour (in person), The AfroVillage Homebase: How Retired MAX Train Cars Will Help Advance Equity and Sustainability in Portland’s Black and Brown Communities (in person), We Need More Walking School Buses in Oregon: What’s Stopping Us? (virtual), and more!
At the opening session on Monday, April 25th, Metro President Lynn Peterson will deliver “The State of Transportation in Our Region” address to keynote the summit. The morning will be kicked off by a representative from the Biden administration, Irene Marion, Director of the Departmental Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Transportation, who will inspire attendees with opening remarks, “Centering Equity and Transportation Justice in Our Work.” Also on the morning’s agenda: climate, transportation, and disability justice activist and Clackamas County resident Cassie Wilson will deliver a message from the region’s climate youth. Responding to President Peterson’s remarks will be two regional roundtables. The first features community leaders discussing transportation needs they see in their communities. That will be followed by an official discussion including elected officials from around the region.