Win Tickets ($110): ZooBrew @ Oregon Zoo | 40 Breweries & Cideries, Food Carts, Keeper Chats, Live Music & More!
We are giving away a pair of tickets to ZooBrew @ Oregon Zoo on June 9-10. To win, comment below on this post why you’d like to attend. Winner will be drawn and emailed June 5.
From our sponsors:
June 9-10, 2023
6:30PM | 21+
GA $55
Early Entry $65 (5:30PM)
Non-drinking $35
More info:
Enter to win two tickets to ZooBrew at the Oregon Zoo! Kick off summer with more than 40 of the best breweries and cideries the Northwest has to offer on June 9 or 10. Plus, enjoy live music from Cadillacs for Everyone, keeper chats, lawn games and more!
Delicious local food carts and dinner options will be available throughout the zoo – discover perfect culinary pairings for beer and cider.
Each ticket includes 10 drink tickets (3 oz pours) and a souvenir glass.
Guests must be 21 and older.
Every ZooBrew ticket purchased helps the Oregon Zoo connect communities to the wonder of wildlife to create a better future for all.
mmmmmmm, beer.
This sounds super fun!!!
My husband just had surgery 5/18 and is ready to get outside and drink beer!!
Sounds Great!
My birthday is this day so I would love to go to elevate!
I’m moving out of state at the end of June and it would be great to go to the zoo for a great time and to celebrate my time being in Oregon!
Been on my bucket list for years!!
Zoo lights < zoo brews
Drinking beers near polar bears that’s on my list!
good brews, good weather, good times.
Looks fun!
An elephant ear and a beer, sign me up!
Would love to go to the Oregon zoo for my first time. This event sounds like the perfect experience I’m looking for! The weather will also be pretty perfect for this.
Been in Portland for 7 years and still haven’t visited the Zoo! Would love to go to this with my husband, right before my birthday 🙂
Brews and the zoo ! Yes please ! Ty
Yes, please! I’ve never been!
I wanted to take my husband as part of his Father’s day gift. We have never gone to the summer zoobrew.
Zoo brew!!! Would love love love to go!!!
Perfect birthday gift for my husband!!!! Who doesn’t love beer AND animals!!
I want some brews in my zoo!
Beer tasting with elephants and giraffes? Sign me up!
The opportunity to win tickets to something I’ve always wanted to attend is amazing. I’d be floored to see I win tix to ZooBrew!!! I’ve heard soo many awesome reviews about it
Beer me, please!
Would love to go
This would definitely be a great girls night out
Being at a brew fest at the Oregon Zoo would be pretty awesome!
I’d love to go!
Beer tasting with giraffes and elephants? Sign me up!
I’m very down to do this!
Brews at the zoo! Woo!
We would _love_ to down a brew or 2 at the zoo with or without the gnus.
I’ve always wanted to check this out!
Zooing and Brewing are two of my favorite things! This tired teacher would love a fun outing to look forward to as I count down the seconds to summer vacation!
10 drink tickets (3 oz pours) and a souvenir glass!
Live music from Cadillacs for Everyone, lawn games and more!
Really, you’re going to share these tickets with one of us and not keep them for yourself !
You are Stars !!!!
beers and deers and elephant ears — would be a great visit!
Bears and beers
I do like brew and I like the zoo and I love the combo of the two and now, without further ado, I bid you adieu.
I would love to attend because this event is outdoors, live music to dance too, and surrounded by lots of animal friends! All these things I love SO much, oh & beer & cider of course too 😋 Thank you! Pick me 😁
Never been….but would LOVE to!!!! This sounds amazing!! Please oh pleeeease sign us up for this!!!!
My Birthday is on the 6th & this would be an amazing birthday present!!
this sounds like FUN!
I love the zoo and I love cider! This would be a great kickoff to summer.
I’d love to surprise an animal/beer loving friend with free tickets, as we’re both broke! I’d be grateful to win and excited to share!
Haven’t been to the Zoo in ages! This will be a blast to go to Dylan !
Where else can you say cheers with a cheetah, toast with a tiger, or sip suds with a sea lion? Welcome to the wildest beer festival in town!
That’s awesome!!!
Oh I would love to!
Zoo Brew is one of the best beer fests in town. I hope the Uni-Piper will be there…
Sounds so fun!!1
Tails and ales! Sounds awesome.
I loved brew lights and can’t wait to try this!
I’m a zoo member but have never made it to zoo brew
Sounds amazing! Sign me up!
I’ve never attend. Sounds like fun. I would like a free ticket.
Oh boy, drinkies!
What a great combo: Oregon zoo, music & beer.
It would be a fun time to celebrate my 7th marriage anniversary at the fun event! We are new parents and can use a date night out without the little one! Cheers!
An emu walks into a bar. He can’t decide which beer to have… the Bartender says “Well… How about a flight?… Oh, damn, Sorry!” 🙂
I LOVE the zoo and brewfests! …definitely could have used a cold one on those hot days as a zoo volunteer years back! pick me please!!
This event sound amazingly refreshing!
I’d love to do this with my SO we have an anniversary coming up! 💕 and mmmm beer
Sister day for sure! Good Drinks, good food, and amazing animals. Good memories for sure!
I haven’t been to the zoo in ages and this sounds like a fun event to bring a friend to!
This sounds like a great time! I’d like to get a chance to enjoy!
Oh I’d love to go! That’s my birthday weekend and I haven’t been to the zoo in ages.
My wife says I belong in the zoo.
This would be so fun!
I’ve been wanting to go to the zoo for ages and having a little beer tasting date night with it would be so cool!
Love animals! Haven’t been to the zoo in a long time.
Do the animals get brews too? Either way sign me up!
Sounds like fun I would love to take my hubby I love the zoo and I love some brew 😀
I have always wanted to go to this, would love to make that a reality this year!
Have always wanted to go!!
Thank you for the opportunity to win.This would be fun to attend with my adult son.There is nothing as fun as a outing with my son.
I do it for the Beer…
I do it for the Beer… and the Beaver.
I’d love to go to this with my mom who’s coming to visit! Have always wanted to visit the Oregon zoo but have never been able to afford it
please pick me
This would be the perfect summer outing!
The Elephants are not what they seem.
The zoo is fun already… add some brews and it sounds like a blast!
sign me up!
I’m getting married the week before; this would be a fun and relaxing newlywed date night!
I like winning things like most people! This would be a fun prize – I would love to be out around animals, in great weather getting my drink on with a friend. Never seen a giraffe tipsy 🥴 lol – also it’s almost my bday in two days after! So there’s that 🙂 thanks
It sounds like a fun event!
I’d be so grateful to win tickets and enjoy a night out with my boyfriend. Not sure he’s ever been to the Oregon Zoo!
Ziggy zoggy ziggy zoggy oi oi oi
Pick me!
Went years ago, would love to go again! Cheers.
Haven’t been to the zoo in years and would love to take my partner who has never experienced Oregon Zoo yet!!!!
I would love to win tickets.
Would love to go, hope to win!
I want to attend this event because I’m hoppy to have an excuse to drink beer at the zoo finally. With 10 drink tickets included, I’ll have enough liquid courage to challenge a lion to a game of lawn darts. Who knows, maybe I’ll even make some new animal friends after a few too many brews!
Free tix to Zoo Brew would be a dream come true!
I used to attend this brew fest back when it first started and it was my favorite beer fest in town! It was so fun and chill. I’d love to go back!
I would love to go!
Yes, please. 🍻🦧🐘🦒🐅
We could SO use a night out. This would be a great event. Thanks.
I would love to attend and sample some amazing brews that are produced here in the Pacific NW and hanging out at The Oregon Zoo is always a treat.
I have never been to Zoobrew and would love to take a friend that always turns me on to new brews in our area. Would be my way of paying him back for al of the great recommendations he has given me.
My partner has NEVER been to the Zoo and I think he would love it, it would be a great surprise for him 🙂
Party with the animals!!!
Brews at the Zoo! Sounds amazing!
Beer enthusiasts here!!! 🙌🏽🍺🍻😺
Yes please!
Yes please! I’ve never been! I love beer and have head great things about Oregon zoo!
Lagers and pilsners and porters oh my!
How fun is this!? Would love to go!
Would love to go to this
Lions & Tigers & Beer. Oh my!
I would love to attend and learn about the cideries/breweries in the PNW that attend the event while also exploring the Oregon Zoo! This would be such a fun experience!
The Zoo and Beer !! 🙂 Please sign me Up
I would love to monkey around at this Zoo event. Yes please.
Love this event!
I love animals I love beer
My best town who now lives abroad is in town. I want to take her to this so bad! Yay!
That sounds like so much fun! I would love to go!
I like free stuff 😁
I wanna see 🐧
I want to drink some beer and monkey around!!!
This would be such a fun date night!
i’d love to go to this!
Great Brews and The Zoo, who wouldn’t want to go. Set me up with tickets PDXPIPELINE.
So cool, I would love to attend this event!
My brother is coming to town for a visit. This would be an awesome excursion for him.!
This sounds like an amazing time!!!
Who doesn’t like the zoo and brews?! So much fun! I’d love to attend 🐒🍻🦁
We’d love to win and celebrate our wedding anniversary!
Sounds fun!
I would love to treat my mom! Visiting the Portland zoo is one of her favorite past times. The tastings are the cherry on top!
This is the perfect activity for my adult summer camp…which I just started right now. Pick me!
wow relly seems fun!
Even though I’m a giver, I promise not to share my beer with the animals!
I’m a nurse, and I’m an ICU desperate for a date night with my partner. This would be the perfect night out! We haven’t been to the Oregon Zoo since moving out here during the fall!
I love the zoo and I love the brew! Such a fun summer event.
Wild animals.
Um yes please!
Zoo Brews! zOO bREWS!! ZOO BREWS!!! ❣️🗣️
This sounds like the perfect birthday outing for my mom!
The oregon zoo with sampling beer sounds like super fun. Please pick me he he
i keep hearing about this and i would be so jazzed to go!!!!
Would love to do a zoo brew!!!
Would love to go, this sounds like a blast!
I moved to the east coast in 2018 and I’m so excited to be back in Oregon to see the zoo and go to my first Zoo Brew!
I think this sounds like fun, and I could use some fun!
sounds like a swell time!
I would love to go because I have been to zoo lights a few times, even drove through during COVID but have yet never been to brew lights but have always wanted to go!
Cheers to the elephants
Cheers to the cheetahs
This sounds so fun!! I’d love to go!
would love to go to this! My husband is a chef and a beer brewer.
Love this! Beer and animals!
Please pick us!
I would love to check out the all the animals and also enjoy a cold brew!
My birthday is on the 11th! Thus would be awesome
My bday is the 11th this would be so fun
Would love this! My boyfriends 32nd birthday is that weekend and we have had season passes between the 2 of us for the last few years and have been to zoolights as well! I would love to surprise my boyfriend with tickets to this!
Ciders and the zoo?!?!! Heck yes!!!
Would love to. It would have been my dads bday but he’s no longer here.
So glad this event is back again!
My husband and I would love to go to ZooBrew! We love the zoo and beer and it would be an amazing date night! We’ve only been in Oregon for about 6 months and haven’t had a chance to go to the Zoo yet.
This would be awesome to win. I love the zoo and I love a good beer!
Haven’t been yet… It’s about time!
This sounds great! Would love to go.
This would be awesome!
I’ve never been but been told it’s a fun event! Want me some Zoo Brew!
I moved to Portland for the beer and food scene 9 years ago, but have never been to ZooBrew. And who doesn’t love the Oregon Zoo??
I love animals and beer
Yes! Sounds perfect
Sounds like a beer-y good time! I haven’t been to this event. Would love to win tickets 😁
Looks like tons o fun!!!
I haven’t been to the Zoo and this sounds like a great way to experience it!
I’d love to go because ZooBrew sounds super fun, unique, and exciting!!!
This sounds amazing! I’d love to learn more about the animals AND taste delicious Oregon brews.
I still haven’t been to the zoo yet. I’d love to go for this.
To mimic animal vibes
Great event to have at the PDX ZOO. Need tickets to enjoy the vibe!
My best friend of 20 years is visiting me, and it’s the first time it’ll just be us in so long. I can not wait to see her, and this would be the perfect send off of her trip!!! Id love to surprise her with tickets, she loves the zoo and I think she would just be so excited to come back. Thank you for your consideration!!!
Laid off in December and could really use a stress free, fun night!
This looks like a lot of fun and a great way to try so many beers around Portland!
Always hear good things about this, would be a blast to attend!
Yes please
What a great way to start the summer….at the zoo with brew!! My wife and I would love to partake in the fun! 😉 Thanks for the chance, PDX Pipeline!!
It’s my one year anniversary of moving to Portland from NYC and i have yet to visit a Zoobrew. I would love to celebrate with a win.
This would be perfect for our anniversary weekend!
🍺🙏🏻Please my bday month and I very need it sometime positive in my life. And beer 🍺🙏🏻
The best zoo with the best brews? Sign me
I can burp with the elephants!
Would love to go!!
Beer always tastes better with the sound of elephants in the background!
Fun! Would love to attend 🍻
Zoo AND brews? I’m allllllll about this. Otters, monkeys and big bears….woooohoo 😉
Sounds fun send me
Haven’t been to any zoo since I was a kid, never been to any zoos in the US. Would love to go to this 😊
This sounds like a lot of fun – and a great cause! My birthday is actually that weekend – and I currently have no plans! 🙂
It’s my hubby’s bday that weekend and he loves animals and beer! It’s been a rough year, so would really appreciate it!
This would be such a fun time. Fingers crossed.
Love too !
Pumped for ZooBrew 2023!!!
Beer N Bears. No brainer
Super interested! Have heard great things but never got the chance to try this event.
I love beer and I love the zoo
Yes please!
Hoping tix are still available!
This sounds like so much fun! Would love to win tickets!
Haven’t been to the zoo yet and sounds even better with beer!
I love the zoo!