Imago Theatre Presents “Where’s Bruno? | Paranormal Musical by Carol Triffle

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Where’s Bruno
May 12-27, 2023
Thursday-Saturday 7:30PM
Also May 14 2PM
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Imago Theatre
17 SE 8th Avenue, Portland, OR 97214


Who will rescue these two slacker rockers? A dead bandmate or the ghost of Elvis?

With her new paranormal musical Where’s Bruno?, Imago’s genre-breaking resident playwright Carol Triffle once again defies the rules. In this comical tale of two slackers/rockers way past their glory days, a song can emerge for any reason – a beer from the fridge or a regularly missed appointment. The drama, however, comes from ghosts of the past, namely, a dead guitarist and the late Elvis Presley. Unfortunately for them (but fortunately for us), it will take more than the King of Rock to get these two lost souls back on track and on the concert stage.

Cast includes Kyle Delamarter, Amy Katrina Bryan, Briana Ratterman, Tory Mitchell, Brooklyn Williams and Karen Farley. Lighting design is by Jon Farley.

From Fri., May. 12 to Sat. May 27, at Imago Theatre, 17 SE 8th Ave., Thu., Fri., Sat. at 7:30PM, with one Sun. matinee on May 14 at 2PM. All seats are $20. Recommended for 16 and older. Masks required.


“Carol Triffle is Portland’s most prominent stage absurdist”

” Triffle sets loose a fine dark silliness in her savvy, gorgeously paced, very funny new play.”

“ comedic sensibility of clowning applied to tragedy.”

“Memorable and literally knee-slapping … perched on the precipice of perpetual giggles, over the abyss of belly laughs…”

“Imago is such a treasure … couldn’t be more timely or more rudely entertaining…. .”

“Disturbingly funny … hilarious and surprisingly effecting emotionally, reviving theater’s capacity to truly surprise us,”

“It’s one-part horror movie, one-part demented musical and one-part situation comedy with a little burlesque slapstick thrown in for good measure.”

“Twisted, a delightful fever”

“the oddball and laughable and sometimes more than slightly looney settle slowly, almost imperceptibly, into a deep and moving contemplation of the human condition”

Triffle studied extensively with Jacques Lecoq in Paris, completing his pedagogical program. Drawing inspiration from Mr. Lecoq, Triffle places form and design at the forefront of theatre creation and infuses each production with an idiosyncratic physical energy. She wrote, directed and acted in Ginger’s Green, which marked the beginning of a canon of 15 original music-theatre plays, including her last radio play titled The Lonely Vampire.



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