Full Belly Fare Group Gift Campaign | Handcrafted Customizable Dinners Delivered to Your Doorstep, Save 20%

Group Gift Campaign

More info: order.fullbellyfare.com/content/group-gift

Know someone in the Greater Portland Metro Area, including Northern or Eastern Clark County who is struggling to get nourishing food in this crisis? You can create a group gift campaign for yourself or someone else, and share it with your loved ones/on social media. Anyone who wants to help can contribute any amount, small or large, and it will all be pooled together into a gift card for Handcrafted Dinners (and snacks, bone broth, elderberry syrup, and more), delivered (no touch/contact) directly to the doorstep! Meals are customizable for nearly any special diet.

Just during the period of this crisis, Full Belly Fare will contribute $1 for every $5 contributed to any group gift campaign, when you mention PDX Pipeline – so that’s a 20% increase in value! Help a healthcare provider, a senior citizen or immune compromised person, or anyone at all! If you don’t know someone who needs this, Full Belly Fare has a list of names submitted who would benefit! Feel free to create a group gift campaign and stipulate that you want the proceeds to go to a nurse, or a senior citizen, etc., and we will make it happen!

PDX Pipeline Free Community Promotions This is a FREE local listing provided by PDX Pipeline. Do you have a local business and want a free promotion? Fill out our form here: pdxpipeline.com/local



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