Boom Arts Presents: A Thousand Ways (Part Two) An Encounter by 600 Highwaymen @ The Armory | A Safe, In-person Theatrical Experience for 2
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Boom Arts Presents: A Thousand Ways (Part Two) An Encounter
May 14-16, 21-23, 2021
Multiple showtimes
More info: | Get tickets here
The Armory
128 NW 11th Ave, Portland, OR
600 HIGHWAYMEN’S A THOUSAND WAYS is an enthralling, imaginative, and profound social experience that delivers us from isolation to congregation. This triptych of encounters explores the line between strangeness and kinship, distance and proximity, and how the most intimate assembly can become profoundly radical.
With just two people, a table, and a stack of cards, a new type of theater emerges. Nested at the center of an empty space is a small table bisected by glass. You sit at the table, opposite a stranger, with a stack of notecards and a set of instructions to guide you. A Thousand Ways: Part Two is your chance to reconsider everything you think you know about a person– including yourself.