2024 Mondo Croquet World Championships @ NW Park Blocks | Free, Croquet w/ Bowling Balls and Sledgehammers

Get your balls banged at the 2024 Mondo Croquet World Championships in NW Portland. It’s Mondo Croquet – Croquet American style, with bowling balls and sledgehammers!


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Mondo Croquet World Championships
July 28, 2024
Noon-5PM | Free
More info: mondocroquet.com

NW Park Blocks
NW Park Ave & Everett

Well m’Lords and Ladies and all the rest of you lot,

It’s time for the annual World Championships and Mad Hatter Picnic!


  • Bring a bowling ball and a sledgehammer.  Don’t worry if you don’t have, we’ve got plenty of extras to loan out
  • You’ll enjoy yourself more if you’re dressed appropriately in lawn whites, or Mad Hatter gear, or simply appropriately inappropriate.  Peruse some of our photos for ideas.
  • Bring along something to share for the picnic and something cold to drink.
  • …and you might want a chair.

It’s a smashing time.  Tell your friends!  Taunt your enemies!



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