Win Tickets ($80): Reverend Horton Heat @ Crystal Ballroom | Blues, Rockabilly
We are giving away another pair of tickets to Reverend Horton Heat @ Crystal Ballroom on February 27. To win, comment below on this post why you’d like to attend. Winner will be drawn and emailed February 24.
From our sponsors:
Reverend Horton Heat
February 27, 2025
6:30PM Doors, 8PM Show | $35 ADV, $40 Doors | All Ages
More info:
Crystal Ballroom
1332 W Burnside St, Portland, OR 97209
Loaded guns, space heaters, and big skies. Welcome to the lethal littered landscape of Jim Heath’s imagination. True to his high evangelical calling, Jim is a Revelator, both revealing & reinterpreting the country-blues-rock roots of American music. He’s a time-travelling space-cowboy on a endless interstellar musical tour, and we are all the richer & “psychobillier” for getting to tag along.
Seeing REVEREND HORTON HEAT live is a transformative experience. Flames come off the guitars. Heat singes your skin. There’s nothing like the primal tribal rock & roll transfiguration of a Reverend Horton Heat show. Jim becomes a slicked-back 1950′s rock & roll shaman channeling Screamin’ Jay Hawkins through Buddy Holly, while Jimbo incinerates the Stand-Up Bass. And then there are the “Heatettes”. Those foxy rockabilly chicks dressed in poodle-skirts and cowboy boots slamming the night away. It’s like being magically transported into a Teen Exploitation picture from the 1950′s that’s currently taking place in the future.
Listening to the REVEREND HORTON HEAT is tantamount to injecting pure musical nitrous into the hot-rod engine of your heart. The Reverend’s commandants are simple.
And no band on this, or any other, planet rocks harder, drives faster, or lives truer than the Reverend Horton Heat. These “itinerant preachers” actually practice what they preach. They live their lives by the Gospel of Rock & Roll.
I need some Psychobilly Freakout from the good Reverend.
Would love to finally take my husband to this. The last time I saw him I was in college!
I’m ready to freak out!
This would be a blast!
Dutch doordraaien
Finnish pimahtaa, menettää järkensä, pelottaa, seota, raivostua, pitää hauskaa, bilettää, friikata, sekoilla
French flipper, disjoncter, paniquer, s’affoler, faire flipper, faire paniquer
German ausflippen, durchdrehen
Hungarian bedilizik, megőrül
Italian andare di matto
Japanese フリークアウトする (furīkuauto suru / furīkuautosuru), 威かす (odokasu)
Portuguese surtar
Russian выходи́ть из себя́ (vyxodítʹ iz sebjá), вы́йти из себя́ (výjti iz sebjá), обалдева́ть (obaldevátʹ), обалде́ть (obaldétʹ), офигева́ть (ofigevátʹ), офиге́ть (ofigétʹ), охуева́ть (oxujevátʹ), охуе́ть (oxujétʹ), пуга́ть (pugátʹ / pugátʹ), испуга́ть (ispugátʹ / ispugátʹ), напуга́ть (napugátʹ)
Spanish rallarse, asustar, desfasar
I’ve always wanted to see them but suffer from severe social anxiety. Im working on it and am better now but broke.
I haven’t seen him in years!!’
Jimbo owes me money….
This is the show! THE REVEREND is the bomb!
Please pick me!! Thanks
sounds like a real good time!
Cuz I thirst for an infusion of the raw, analogue old school Holy Ghost pre-punk Zeitgeist to survive another slow-drip winter in the digital age. Plus my dancing has been said to make bands play better. And mostly cause I can’t afford tickets with my new mortgage.
Time for church with The Reverend!
“They live their lives by the Gospel of Rock & Roll.” We have a lot in common!
But, I thought that Steve Miller was the only “space cowboy?” I’d love to see the Reverend Convince me otherwise!
Bring it on!!!
Will not bring “Bales of Cocaine” or “Marijuana” – will have a Psychobilly Freakout!
Dream come true!
Heat me up!!!
One of my favorite bands, playing also with Black Joe Lewis, another amazing Texas musician. I would love to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
For some reason I hadn’t seen them before, probably cause I worked swing for years,now half time can’t afford to go,I pick and choose now days
I would love to attend. After all these years I’ve never seen rhh
yes please – sounds like fun
Drop me some tickets from a low-flying plane!
Last time I saw him was in 2000. I wonder how much he has changed.
This sounds like so much fun!
J 👏 I 👏 M 👏B 👏O 👏
I’m in serious need of the good Reverend’s ministrations!
Yes, please!
Simply sensational! Absolutely love the Rev and Jimbo! Gotta be there!
I would love to take my boyfriend to this.
Preach! I could really use this🫶🏽
Please consider
Ohh Yeah!!
I’ve been a fan of the band since the 90’s. Also, February 27 is my birthday, and I’d love to take my dancing partner to the Crystal for a groovin’ hoedown that night!
Oh! My partner has always wanted to see the good revered. He’s never experience the glory of Jimbo climbing that bass like the rock legend he is. Please and thank you!!
I’d love to see this show
Nothing like the Reverend! This is my kind of church!
Surf medley for me!
fEEl thE hEat ❤️🔥
Flames of sound! Bring it!
I once saw the Reverend in Dallas.
His show, it was not callus.
‘Twas years before,
Yet he still rocks the floor
Of the place we could call the Crystal Palace.
The reverend brings the heat to every show🔥🔥🔥 love this band ❤️🔥
My favorite kind of musical sermon!
Would love to go!
Never seen them there, it will be great!
Viva Las Vegas! These guys seriously rock!
Jumpin’ Gee Hosa Farts! Hope I’m off Probation by then…. 🙂
Wow, I’d love to see The Rev! I’ve never had an opportunity!
Heck yea!
I wanna go hear some fuckin’ bad ass guitar picking.
Let’s rock
I would LOVE the opportunity to see the band for the first time!
Killin it. Made in the shade, baby. 😎 🌹
I would love To win because my 10-year-old deserves to know how great the Reverend Horton Heat really is
Looking forward to it!
Heard great things, would love to see these guys
I’ve got a wiggle stick, mama
This is going to be hot and smokin and I don’t smoke but hot is good!
First time listening to music in Oregon as a new comer
That’s good rockin’!
Jim and Jimbo and Jonathan Jeter. I’m ready
An absolute sensation! One of my favorite bands from adolescence. It’s martini time!
I’d love to see them live!
Gotta pray to the gods of rockabilly with the Reverend!
Hell yes please and thank you!
Want to rock out please
Lord knows I need sav’n!!!
I’ve been listening to them for 10 years but never been able to catch them live, would love to go!
Thanks for the chance!!
Let’s do this!!!
This will be a fun show!
I need to learn more about this group. They sound fun.
Sounds like a great night out!
I love Reverend Horton Heat and would love to go. Thanks!
Would love to go!
I go to church regularly. I’m a good Christian boy. But every now and then, I need a guitar sermon to melt my face. I’m still a sinner in need of redemption.
Another late valentines gift please???
Trying birthday luck;)
I need some Reverend in my life.
bring on the HEAT!!!!
It looks like so much fun!
I love the Rev! Have 2 different burlesque routines I do to Horton Heat tunes! Would absolutely love to win!!!
I want to see these guys!
Amazing bad! I’d love to bring my friend!
My birthday is on Feb. 11th late bday gift for me please???
Mom needs a good night out. Doctor prescribed the Reverend. I must follow doctor’s orders 😉
New to PDX and ready to boogie! Please give me the heat!! Cheers and thank you!
Rock me!
Heck yes would love to go.
It would be so fun to go !! I love Reverend Horton Heat!
Lets here some good blues.
I was downtrodden, my soul was crushed and The Reverend was there there to heal it. No lie. Now the the wheel of fate has messed with me again. And music is the best fix. If you can, let us all win. But if you can’t, help out a soul who could use a boost. Thanks
Favorite band ever! Would love to see the Rev in all his glory!!!!