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Protectly’s 3PE- N95 is now NIOSH Approved | Made in USA, Rated Most Comfortable N95 Mask in America

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Protectly’s best-selling mask 3PE- N95 is now NIOSH approved. 3PE was granted NIOSH approval for the N95 mask on December 18. All the previous masks that were sold prior to approval are identical NIOSH design and technology. It is the exact same mask that is now sold as NIOSH Approved.

3PE N95 Mask is rated as the most comfortable N95 Mask in America!

3PE N95 NIOSH mask was forged out of the necessity to create reliable, highest-grade N95 respirators for personal and public health. Proudly made in California using 100% USA Materials. NIOSH is US N95 standard for >95% filtration against bacteria, viruses, dust, non-oil particles

Protectly is local, Portland-based, and have donated over 30,000 surgical masks to local communities and non-profits.

Protectly products are 100% Guaranteed Certified.

Their face cover masks provide >95% filtration efficiency and are sourced strictly from FDA-Registered facilities. Their PPE gear is designed for high protection, comfort, breathability, and ergonomic fit. USA Made N95 – Available!

They have a large selection of NIOSH N95 masks available and in stock, guaranteed authentic. And a lot more, such as: nitrile gloves, goggles, face shields, tear gas masks, wipes.

Stay Safer with Protectly.

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